which means i have 150 days, or thereabouts (probably a bit more, given my other pregnancies), to go.
i've been feeling the baby kick and twirl for a few weeks, but day before yesterday jack felt it too. such a delightful expression on his face. latt has trouble feeling the same thing, and rowan doesn't have the patience to wait silently and still.
i've gained four pounds (looks like more, doesn't it?) and my appetite is increasing finally. i feel good.
a dear friend sent her midwifery kit--she is not practicing right now--so that we can do prenatals here at home for now. latt has learned how to take my blood pressure and use the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat, and we measure my uterus to see how the baby is growing (i am measuring a couple weeks ahead of expected right now--nothing out of the ordinary though). i also have strips to test my urine for protein, glucose, nitrates, etc...and a kit to test my blood for hemoglobin (iron levels). i do want to see a local midwife as i get closer to term, to ascertain the presentation (position) of the baby, in case we need to turn it. i don't mind having a breech baby here at home but i'd rather avoid that adventure if possible.
the plan for the birth is set, barring unforeseen circumstances. kristena and kim will come as friends to support me. i'm excited about birthing again...i've been blessed to have wonderful, positive experiences with both my children, which means birth is an experience i associate with great joy and great power.